WRTC 2006 – Selection Criteria,
document is not changing any of the rules but will clarify the application
process for WRTC 2006. The specific set-up of 14 different Regions to get a
world wide participation in this contest may cause some confusion to fill the
application and this is an explanation how this is done.
As a Single Operator you compete in the following categories only:
SOAB HP, SOAB LP; Two categories
SOSB HP, SOSB LP; Two categories. But all bands (10-160m) is one category.
band does not count separately.
Assisted; SOAB and
SOSB all compete in the same category.
means: SOAB-A (LP,HP), SOSB-A (HP,LP) all bands
are in the same category.
“-A” signifies Assisted, different names for use of spotting networks applies
for different contests.
You can also be a participant in a Multi Operator category. Your call
must appear in the list of operators in the published contest results. If
possible, please scan and attach a copy of such list or provide an existing
Note that the application can include max. 4 scores from the Multi Operator
categories (MS, M2 MM and HQ).
The names of the Categories can differ between the different contests.
However the different names have always a common meaning. Example: one of the
contests has a LP limit of 150 W instead of commonly used 100 W, such
deviations shall not be considered.
QRP Operators are not included in the selection criteria, in case a very
good QRP score has been achieved, an exception can be made. Entry for such a
SOAB QRP effort will then count as SOAB LP for the place rating factor. In a
similar way, other exceptions can be made but will always be rated with the
existing categories.
Select your 8 best contests, if you are a frequent participant in
contests you may calculate the scores for more than 8 contests to ensure that
you really choose the ones that gives the highest score.
As an applicant you will compete with your total WRTC score against
stations in your own WRTC 2006 Region but the scores for each of the 8 contests
have the place rating points for the region of operation.
The published lists from the contests are listed by continent and we need it
here by WRTC Region, therefore it is highly recommended that you, on a separate
Worksheet, with your Application, make a list for each Contest.
Example for RX9FB Asia-Others (AS-O):
WAE CW 2004
# Call Cat. Score
WRTC Score
1 TA2ZF SOAB LP 987,609
2 RX9FB SOABLP 552,110 324
WRTC Score is WAE = 400, Rating Factor (Place) = 0.9, LP = 0.9. Total 324.
This list will make it easy to evaluate and to follow up on corrections.
The Place Rating Factor in the WRTC 2006 contest is determined as
Find the #1 in your category, and put him in the 1st place,
make a list as explained in item 2.2 above, continue the list to your own
position. This will determine your rating factor.
To determine your position, count only stations within your WRTC 2006 Region
and in the same category, see item 1.1 and 1.2. If you are a SOAB LP, skip all
HP and Assisted but make sure you check all countries in your WRTC 2006 Region.
See item 4.4 for definition of Regions. Remember that UA9 and UA0 counts to
Asia-Other (AS-O), independent of location and USA East (US-E) includes
stations located in W1, W2, W3 & W4; US-C: W5, W8, W9, W0; US-W: W6, W7,
KL; UA1-4: EU-3; EU4-6: EU-2, etc. Remember to make a list showing from #1 up
to your own position for all the max. 8 claimed contests.
Now we have the rating factor for your place in the contests, for each
contest, do the following:
a. Identify the contest and get the “Max Points” (ARRL DX SSB = 400).
b. Identify the weighting factor for your class (SOAB-LP 400x0.9 = 360).
c. As you are un-assisted you have no factor here (if you had been
SOAB-A LP, then it would have been
360x0.9 = 324).
d. If you are #1 in your category, check if the top score (x1.05) and/or record
factors (x1.03) apply. Both can apply cumulative.
Other Comments and Notes:
The Judging Committee will send you a confirmation of your application,
the score is preliminary and will be final when all applications are evaluated.
The reason is that the Rating Factor for the place in a contest is a complex
analysis and the Judging Committee may have to re-evaluate scoring if so is
In case of complaints related to category, place judgement, errata or similar,
please enclose a related copy (E-Mail attachment) to support such complaint.
The Judging Committee is not responsible for adding any Contest All High
or All Time High multiplication factors. This must be done by the applicant,
preferably with some documented support for such claim.
As the ARRL DX and WAE DC contests are Region against Rest of the World types,
we take this into consideration. Please see the list below:
1.05 For an All Contest Category top score
Refers to top scores for each
Contest and category as listed by the organizers: CQWW, WPX, WAE, ARRL, IARU,
NA Sprint & NA SS.
WAE and ARRL each have a defined areas (EU & W/VE) against the of
Rest the World. Therefore, each of the two areas in WAE and ARRL have its own
x 1.03 For a Continental Category
Record (WW Contests only)
Refers to "All Time high" only, as listed by the organizers: CQWW,
x 1.03 For an All Contest Category
Record (NASS & NA Sprint only)
Refers to "All Time high" NA only, as listed by the organizers: NA
Sprint & NA SS.
Note that North American Sweepstakes and Sprint can only be applied for
by stations within WRTC 2006 Regions: CAN(ada), US-E, US-C & US-W.
The Selection Criteria Application is also by default an application for
participation in the Multi Single Multi National (MS MN) teams for those that
do not qualify for Team Leaders.
How to fill the “Application for the Selection Criteria WRTC 2006”
Please refer to the Application form that you will find on the WRTC 2006
Do not forget to do a new Worksheet for the evaluation of your claimed
contests as described in item 2.2.
List of entries with comments:
Date of application: (no comments where entry is obvious)
Callsign: Your own callsign as applicant
Callsigns used in Contests: List the Callsigns in the same order as in column
Country: Your country, shall match the Callsign.
Region (Selection Criteria): The Region you apply as Team Leader, shall match
Callsign and Country.
E-mail address:
Telephone numbers:
APPL CALL: The call used in the contest. Use correct line corresponding to the
APPL SCORE: Your score, preferably indicate the place [2,345,200 (4)]. No
problem if the text (numbers) overflows the
cell in the Worksheet.
1st PLACE: Call and score for the winner of your category. Your call
and score if
you are #1, overflow
no problem.
CATGRY: The category you competed in.
RATING POINTS: The WRTC 2006 rating points, see item 2.3.2.
TOTAL POINTS FOR YEAR: Add the rating points per year.
Points; Applicant calculation: Total Score, please write it as a value (not
as the Judging Committee may change the score.
Sigature: Type your name
Date: Date of submission
4.4 WRTC 2006 Regions
Parameter Factors.
is included here to make your application easier, no changes from the original
rules. Please observe that Category Weighting factors and Bonus Multipliers can
be cumulative.
SOSB LP: 0.8 for SB and 0.9 for LP.
All Contest Top Score and ”All Time High” gives 1.05 x 1.03.